If your entire garage door system lasts about 30 years, you can expect to need garage door opener replacement services at about the 15-year mark. With good maintenance, you can keep your system in good working order, but eventually, the garage door opener is going to wear out. The tension springs are an important component that supports your garage door opener, so you will want to pay attention to how quickly your garage door opens to determine if the springs need to be replaced. Here are a few signs that it's time for garage door repairs.

Trouble With Tension Springs

Tension springs hold the heavy weight of the garage door when it is opening and when it is all the way open. You can test the tension springs by trying to open the garage door manually by yourself. If the weight of the door is too much for you to handle, the tension springs are not helping and need to be adjusted. Open up the door all the way and see if it stays open. Loose tension springs will cause the door to shut slightly when in the open position. This adds extra strain on your garage door opener and leads to premature failure.

Slow-Moving Garage Door Opener

Sometimes the power supply going to your opener is diminished, causing your opener to go slowly. Most of the time the opener is going slow because of the added weight of the garage door the tension springs are not handling. If you suddenly notice your opener is straining to open the garage door, replacement services can determine if you need a new opener or it can be repaired. Continuing to run your opener when it is straining is going to burn out your opener.

Malfunctioning Garage Door Opener

Your garage door opener is arguably the most important component of your garage door system. If your opener doesn't work, you are stuck on the wrong side of the garage door. Pay attention to the tracks and make sure they are clear of debris. Get tension springs replaced as needed to prevent additional strain on your garage door opener. When you note problems, call your garage door opener replacement services to see if it's time for a new one. Take care of your garage door system, and you will have years of ease getting in and out of your garage.

If your garage door opener needs repairs, contact services such as Edelen Door.
